Once 90% of eligible New Zealanders are fully vaccinated, the government will be introducing the COVID-19 Protection Framework, which means that we won’t have to rely on lockdowns as a way to stop the virus spreading.
This new, flexible approach is split into three levels and is designed to keep businesses, organisations and services open at all levels: Green, Orange and Red.
The country will collectively move into the Orange setting when every DHB hits the 90% double vaccination target, apart from Auckland who will move into the Red target as soon as their 3 DHBs hits the 90% double vaccination target.

What do these new levels mean for Businesses, Organisations and Services?
Record keeping and scanning will be required.
Face coverings will be mandatory on flights and encouraged indoors.
There will be no limits if vaccinations certificates are used.
If a business, organisation or service chooses not to request proof of vaccination:
Businesses, organisations and services will be limited to 100 people based on 1 metre physical distancing.
In hospitality and at events (indoor/outdoors), up to 100 people based on 1 metre physical distancing, seated and separated.
Close contact businesses will require staff to wear face coverings and maintain a 1 metre physical distance between customers.
Record keeping and scanning will be required.
Face coverings will be mandatory on flights, public transport, in taxis, retail and public venues. For everywhere else they will be encourage.
There will be no limits if vaccination certificates are used.
If a business, organisation or service chooses not to request proof of vaccination:
Hospitality will be contactless only.
Gatherings, such as at places of worship or marae will be limited to 50 people, based on 1 metre physical distancing.
Weddings and civil union ceremonies will be limited to 50 people, based on 1 metre physical distancing.
Funerals and tangihanga — up to 50 people, based on 1 metre physical distancing.
Gyms, close contact businesses and events (both indoors and outdoors) will not be able to open.
Record keeping and scanning will be required.
Face coverings will be mandatory on flights, public transport, in taxis, retail and public venues. They will be recommended whenever you leave your house.
If vaccinations certificates are used, the following restrictions will apply:
Hospitality, gatherings such as worship or marae, weddings and civil ceremonies, funerals and tangihanga, events and gyms will be limited to 100 people based on 1 metre physical distancing.
Further restrictions will be required for close contact businesses and tertiary education.
If a business, organisation or service chooses not to request proof of vaccination:
Hospitality will be contactless only
Gatherings, such as at places of worship or marae will be limited to up to 10 people.
Weddings and civil union ceremonies will be limited to up to 10 people.
Funerals and tangihanga will be limited to up to 10 people.
Tertiary education — distance learning only.
Gyms, close contact businesses and events (both indoors and outdoors) will not be able to open.
For more information on the Covid-19 Protection Framework click here.
How Will This Affect The Payment Structures Available?
As We Transition to the COVID-19 Protection Framework Resurgence Support Payment
As the country transitions to the new COVID-19 Protection Framework the government will boost payments to businesses affected by the current higher alert levels.
From the 12th November, those businesses that are in the higher alert levels and are eligible will see the following changes:
RSP will double to $3000 per business and $800 per full time employee up to 50 full time employees.
Payments will now be fortnightly rather than three weekly.
This will be available until Auckland moves into the COVID-19 Protection Framework.
Wage Subsidy
The Wage Subsidy will continue on the current criteria whilst areas of the country are in Alert Level 3.
Applications for the sixth round will remain open until 11:59 pm, Thursday 11th November 2021.
Payments have now been increased to $600 a week per full-time employee and $359 a week per part-time employee.
Business Advice and Mental Health Support
A $60 million package for business advice and mental health support has been made available to help Auckland businesses through this transition.
Businesses can apply for up to $3000 worth of advice and support, they will then receive up to $4000 to implement this advice through the Regional Business Partners programme
$10 million will be available to support mental health and wellbeing through a programme designed with the EMA and Auckland Business Chamber of Commerce.
After We Have Transitioned to the COVID-19 Protection Framework
Final details are still to be agreed upon but these should be decided by the end of November. As businesses will be able to operate at all three levels of the framework, it is likely that the RSP and Wage Subsidy will be reworked for when we are in the Red level; this, however, is yet to be confirmed.
For more information click here
Looking for further advice and support? Grace Team Accounting based in Tauranga is able to offer business advice and support. To learn more contact us on: 07 578 5416