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Top Tips for Hiring in a Competitive Market

If you’re looking to recruit in a competitive market it’s important to gain an edge over your competitors so that you can attract and retain the right talent. We’ve put together our top tips to ensure that you are successful in this process. That said, the advice below is also good practice for when we’re no longer in a candidate short market.

Make Your Job Descriptions Standout

Just as scrolling through CVs can be dull, so can scrolling through repetitive and unimaginative job descriptions. So get more creative and add a bit of personality. Alongside specific details about the role, add in more about the company culture, give a real sense of what it’s like to work there. Include details of benefits, chances for development, how to apply and the salary range. When it comes to skills and qualifications define those that are essential and those that are preferred. If you’re hiring for an entry level role but asking for several year’s experience, is this actually fair? Would you accept candidates with less experience but the right attitude? If so, include this.

Review Where You Are Posting Your Job Description If you’re not already posting your available positions on LinkedIn and social media now is the time to do so. Posting on apps like Instagram means that your advert will be seen by a wider audience and can be easily shared amongst friends. Does your social media presence need work? Does it show all the benefits of your company, would someone scrolling through your feed think it looks like a great place to work? If not, get working on your feed. If you’re not on social media then look to set it up or if social media isn’t applicable, then update your webcopy. Another way to find candidates is through a referral programme. Your current employees might know the perfect candidate for the role who they know will also be a good fit for the company personality-wise.

Salary and Benefits With so many options, candidates can afford to be more choosy. Now is a good time to reexamine salaries and benefits. Make sure you are offering a competitive salary so that you attract talented employees and create a benefits package that goes beyond Kiwisaver, ACC and sick and annual leave. To help with understanding how to get an employees renumeration right there is two useful articles from Seek. One here that talks renumeration strategy and the other which gives you a guide to setting salary according to industry roles here .

Depending on your industry other types of benefits could include: working from home or flexible working hours, more time off, free snacks beyond water and coffee, an office gym or a discount on gym membership, mental health support and time dedicated to professional development.

Make the Application and Interview Process Easy

Make it quick and easy to initially apply for the role. You can always go back and ask for more information in the second round, but you don’t want to put candidates off by making the application process complicated or time-consuming. It’s important to not only make the application process quick but to also make the process of deciding relatively quick - time is of the essence if you want to secure high-quality candidates.

Once you are through to interviewing, make the process easy and friendly. By now you will have reviewed the candidates CV and know if they have the relevant experience so the interview can be about seeing if the candidate is the right fit for the company and a chance to ask any other questions.

If you’re looking for further business advice, Grace Team Accounting offers business coaching. To learn more about how we can help your business call us on 07 578 5416.

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