Preparing for summer and the silly season ahead? At this time of year it's generally assumed that the majority of small businesses or offices close for a period of time over the festive season, however it varies from business to business and so it's extremely important to let people know you're away and when you will return.
It can be frustrating for those trying to get in touch with you about an urgent matter, only to get no response to their emails or voicemail. Setting up an automatic reply is a good way to communicate with clients and prevent them from going elsewhere to solve their issue. We thought it timely to share a few tips on preparing your out of office email If you are closing or will be away during the holiday season
Mention the date you'll be out of the office from and the date you'll return to work
State whether you'll be clearing emails while you're away
Ensure you've listed other colleagues who can be contacted in your absence
Ensure the main company phone number is included in the email
Remember to keep it brief. Your clients will be contacting you because they need something, so they require a quick answer or solution - make sure you point them in the right direction.