Kristen Retter
Senior Client Manager
With over 25 years experience in the industry, Kristen has a wealth of business knowledge and accounting know how for your business to draw from.
Bringing energy and fun to all she does, Kristen likes to get things done, solving her clients’ problems and providing systems advice and support. Accountancy wasn’t her first passion though, if it wasn’t for meeting her husband, getting married and moving to Tauranga, Kristen would have become a tennis coach in Wimbledon, having previously been a coach, umpire and player!
Channelling her inner creativity, Kristen loves to bake, and bakes for GBB charity, playing the flute (she saved up all her pocket money to buy it!) and writing with her favourite pink fountain pen. Despite living on an avocado orchard, you won’t find Kristen eating them. Instead, you’re more likely to find her with her daily hot water and lemon.