Setting goals is not as easy as it sounds is it? It is vital for business growth and development though so we sat down with Michael Grace to find out how they do this at Grace Team Accounting.

Let's Get Started
One important task we’ve implemented at Grace Team Accounting last year is participating in our Values Journey exercise.
We know core values help support our company purpose and vision. They help shape a positive workplace culture created around a set of beliefs and principles.
Looking within at how we operate and our workplace culture is the starting point for our internal growth and development. We think it’s key that when we talk about the benefits of business coaching we practice what we preach.
As A Group - Let The Values Journey Begin
As a team we’ve been working with an external consultant who’s helping us put together the framework around our Values Journey. It’s pretty revealing so we’re getting some real insights into each other as a group and as a team. The good news is we’re growing and moving in the same direction.
We are being asked to look at our own structure in terms of what we stand for and what our workplace culture looks and feels like.
One of our objectives is to run a daily “huddle”. It’s usually made up of a group of 4 or 5 people only and runs for no more than 10 minutes. It’s where we talk about our achievements and what our focus is for the day. We want to know of any hurdles or barriers; real or perceived. It’s time well spent checking in on our shared workplace values.
There’s a number of benefits from participating in this exercise such as improving communication which then leads into better team spirit and teamwork. We know with a clear values map the vision is made clearer.
We also hope to stimulate innovation not just because it sounds good but because it inspires and motivates us all.
As An Individual
So when you ask your team to step out out of their comfort zone, participate and challenge themselves; you have to be willing to do the same too.
I’m part of a group of 7 - 8 accountants from different firms around New Zealand, who gather on a regular basis for our own exercise programme that sits alongside the Values Journey team exercise.
It’s a trusted forum where the group can contribute any new ideas and we share challenges and barriers and what we did to remove them. We share success stories as another learning tool. The idea is we consistently step outside our comfort zone to make things better for our own businesses and our teams.
So What Do We Know?
This we do know; and one we as a group are very familiar with, is one of the biggest challenges for small businesses is overcoming the failure to implement actions.
One of the biggest benefits of having a business coach is learning ways to implement actions. It’s about accountability so key objectives are met and then last but not least; maintained.
There’s a powerful quote from Sir Edmund Hillary that says - ‘it’s not the mountain we conquer; it’s ourselves”. Very true
To find out more about our professional business coaching services click here or call us today on 07 578 5416.