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Rave reviews - word of mouth & online review statistics

For centuries, people have made big decisions and developed everyday preferences using the simple yet resounding power of word-of-mouth. It’s no coincidence that you and your best friend share a few of the same favorite things. Statistics sources: Neilsen, USM,

Bright Local and Oglivy/Google/TNS


Just imagine for a minute your business got instant online feedback such as the reviews you see on Trip Advisor? Does that thought make you feel a bit scared?

What do you think your customers would be saying about your business? What star rating do you think you would receive? With the power of word of mouth online and offline it pays to get it right and this review system has been in place longer than you might think.

Did you know Fair Go first aired in 1977? That’s a whole 40 years ago so things haven’t really changed that much. People want a “fair go” and today with facebook and online reviews being at the majority of consumers fingertips sales, service and support has gotten tougher.

A few tops tips to help you get those rave reviews:

Treat your staff well and that way they will treat your customers well. Happy team = happy customers.

Don’t be afraid to apologise and come up with better solutions.

Pick up the phone every now and again and ask your customers how they’re finding things. Better still, meet with them face to face. It might help to have a rotating schedule so you catch up with valued customers regularly.

You never know what your competitors are up to but if you’re looking after your customers, 9 times out of 10 they’ll keep looking after you.

One way Grace Team Accounting can help is to analyse your sales reports. Data is a clear of indication of what’s working and what’s not working and we’re on hand to identify any gaps you may be missing.

Key takeouts:

  1. 84 PERCENT of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation

  2. 7 out of 10 consumers will leave a review for a business if they're asked to

  3. 54 percent of people will visit the website after reading positive reviews

  4. 74 percent of consumers identify word ofmouth as a key influencer in their purchasing decision

  5. On social media, 58 percent of consumers share their positive experiences with a company, andask family, colleagues, and friends for their opinions about brands.

  6. B2B buyers are influenced by word of mouth when making their buying decision.


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