Almost everyone is now making financial transactions of some sort online.
We need to be aware of how to stay safe and stay protected every day. There has been a significant increase in scam emails disguised to look like a typical accounting invoices calling
for payment. Here’s a list of do’s and don’ts to improve your online security.
Choose a password containing a combination of characters, at least eight characters long.
Update your website, software and apps as soon as a new update becomes available.
Be cautious when receiving an email from an unknown sender.
Keep your anti-malware and antivirus software up to date.
Report all phishing scams to the official organisations they are trying to replicate.
Give out your bank details unless you are on a legitimate shopping site with https in the url, or your official bank website.
Use the same password for your online accounts.
Store your personal information in unprotected documents.
Re-enter your passwords and private information in pop-up boxes.
Click on links that look suspicious.
find out more about phishing scams here